Students Decide Where To Go To College

If we are getting ready to conclude March Madness it must be time for Acceptance April, the time when high school seniors and their families wait to hear from the last few colleges on their lists, compare financial aid offers, and decide where to go to college. April is the time the college admissions process becomes

real for most seniors.  As one acceptance process ends, another begins. Fall is a time of hope and expectation; each completed application represents a different set of possibilities.  In winter we wait and worry. Early spring is a time of great anticipation as acceptance letters start arriving.  Some dreams are crushed while others are realized. Then there is Acceptance April.  The tables are turned and students are the ones deciding which college to ultimately accept.   For some the process is easy, but others are faced with difficult decisions.  Making a final college selection involves accepting, or declining, the hope and possibilities dreamt of last fall.

Accept College Rejection

It’s hard to be told no, especially from your top choice school.  You can be angry, sad, disappointed, but you need to accept it and move on if you are to make a good decision of which college to attend.

Accept the Waitlist?

By accepting a space on a waitlist you accept another four months of uncertainty in exchange for the slight possibility you will be admitted before school starts in the fall.  In 2010 Duke admitted 150 students from their wait list of 3300; some years universities don’t take anyone off the waitlist.  If you accept a waitlist position, you must continue making plans to attend another university as you wait, sometimes until August, to see if you come off the waitlist.

Accept College Financial Packages

Unless your parents are made of money, the cost of college will be part of your final decision.  Add up the numbers and compare.  Which college gave you a better offer?  Is your first choice school the best deal?  If not, are they willing to offer a more competitive financial package?  Eliminate colleges that you can’t afford.

Accept the Differences

Comparing colleges means being able to compare apples and oranges.  Schools are not equal in all areas.  Even if you’ve made a cost comparison, most families agree there are some elements of a college education that can’t be measured in dollars.  List the factors that are most important to you and accept that you may not be able to find one school that has everything.

Accept Your College Decision

Reexamine all the schools still on your list.  Revisit your top choices.  Where are you most comfortable?  Where will you be most successful?  Understand there may be many good schools for you.  Make a decision.  Celebrate!  You did it! Good luck with Acceptance April!  I wish you the best in deciding where to go to college.

accept college rejection, college admission advice, college admission blog, college financial packages, college prep blog, college waitlist, decide where to go to college, finding the right college, get into college, help picking colleges, make college decisions

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